Rev. Dr. Gordon Barrows serves the St. Mary’s Redbank Church, New Bethlehem First Fellowship Church & New Salem Pierce Church.
Welcome to my pastoral portfolio! My name is Gordon Barrows and I am a licensed and ordained pastor. I hold a Ph.D. equivalent doctorate (Ed.D) of education/ministry degree in theology/divinity.
I serve as the lead pastor for the multidenominational St. Mary’s Redbank Church as well as interim pastor and Sunday school teacher for the New Bethlehem First Fellowship Church, and guest pastor for the New Salem Pierce Church.
My background focuses on Christian Leadership through the fundamentals of ministry in the digital age and how technology can help the church construct a theology of networks, encourage spiritual formation, and foster Christian community online.
CONTACT: I welcome invitations to serve as a guest pastor at your church or ministry-related event by contacting my office to schedule an appointment @ 814.275.6714 or via email: [email protected]
I serve as the lead pastor for multidenominational St. Mary’s Redbank Church owned by the Redbank Church & Cemetery Association; historically known as the St. Mary’s Episcopal Church or the St. Mary’s Anglican Church.
The Redbank Church & Cemetery Association is a religious 501(c)3 non-profit founded by Jim Shuster, Mallie Shuster, John Wilson, Rev. Dr. Gordon Barrows, Rev. Rocky Hammond, Rev. John Phillips, and Vicki Kunselman. St. Mary’s Redbank Church is located at 619 Redbank Rd. Templeton, PA. 16259.
For worship service times and to learn more about the St. Mary’s Redbank Church and the Redbank Church & Cemetery Association, visit our website or visit our Facebook page
I serve as the interim pastor for the New Bethlehem First Fellowship Church (formerly New Bethlehem First United Methodist Church).
The New Bethlehem First Fellowship Church is located at 234 Penn St. New Bethlehem, PA. 16242, on the corner of Penn and Lafayette Streets. Sunday Worship services start at 11am.
To learn more about the New Bethlehem First Fellowship Church, visit our website or visit our Facebook page:
I serve as a guest pastor for the New Salem Pierce Church (formerly New Salem United Methodist Church).
The New Salem Pierce Church is located at 129 Pierce Rd Mayport PA 16240. Sunday Worship services start at 8:30am.
To learn more about the New Salem Pierce Church, please visit our Facebook page:
- I am a member in good standing with a local church.
. - The 39 books of the Old Testament and 27 books of the New Testament are the only inspired books of divine Revelation and these 66 books constitute the completed Canon of Holy Scripture. No other religious writings (such as the Quran, the Book of Mormon, etc.) are true revelation from God.
. - The Holy Trinity is One God in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. These three are equal in all attributes pertaining to deity, yet the properties of each Person are separate and distinct. The Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Father. The Holy Spirit is neither the Father nor the Son.
. - There is only one God from Whom are all things and for Whom all things exist in heaven and on earth.
. - God became man only in the incarnation of Jesus Christ as the God-man. The creator God is not a man raised to divine status.
. - Satan was created, not born and is an angel who rebelled against God.
. - Adam and Eve were created, not born or evolved from simpler life-forms. Their disobedience brought sin and death upon the entire human family.
. - Jesus was miraculously conceived of the Holy Spirit by the Virgin Mary without a human father and without sin.
. - Salvation is by grace through faith alone in the finished work of Jesus Christ, who died for all sin on Calvary, was buried, and rose physically from the dead on the third day.
. - Jesus ascended back to the Father in Heaven. He will one day come to establish his kingdom on the earth and to judge the living and the dead.
I am a fully ordained and licensed pastor holding an accredited (Ph.D. equivalent) doctorate of ministry (Ed.D.) degree valid in all 50 States and Washington D.C. As an Ordained Minister I am authorized to:
- Perform Marriages, Baptisms, Blessings
- Renewal of Vows
- Religious Counseling
- Marriage Counseling
- Lead Bible Studies
- Head a Congregation
- Start a Ministry
- Other Religious Services
I have solemnly taken an oath of ordination as an ordained minister and affirm the following:
- I believe that there is only One God I believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God;
- I believe that Jesus is the truth and the only way to the Father;
- I agree to morally adhere to this oath of ordination as an ordained minister.
Click the ‘Doctrinal Affirmations of Faith’ below to reveal my affirmations of faith.
- I affirm my belief in one God, infinite Spirit, creator, and sustainer of all things, who exists eternally in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. These three are one in essence but distinct in person and function.
. - I affirm that the Father is the first person of the Trinity and the source of all that God is and does. From Him the Son is eternally generated and from Them the Spirit eternally proceeds. He is the designer of creation, the speaker of revelation, the author of redemption, and the sovereign of history.
. - I affirm that the Lord Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity, eternally begotten from the Father. He is God. He was conceived by the virgin Mary through a miracle of the Holy Spirit. He lives forever as perfect God and perfect man: two distinct natures inseparably united in one person.
. - I affirm that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, proceeding from the Father and the Son and equal in deity. He is the giver of all life, active in the creating and ordering of the universe; He is the agent of inspiration and the new birth; He restrains sin and Satan; and He indwells and sanctifies all believers.
. - I affirm that all things were created by God. Angels were created as ministering agents, though some, under the leadership of Satan, fell from their sinless state to become agents of evil. The universe was created in six historical days and is continuously sustained by God; thus it both reflects His glory and reveals His truth. Human beings were directly created, not evolved, in the very image of God. As reasoning moral agents, they are responsible under God for understanding and governing themselves and the world.
. - I affirm that the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, though written by men, was supernaturally inspired by God so that all its words are the written true revelation of God; it is therefore inerrant in the originals and authoritative in all matters. It is to be understood by all through the illumination of the Holy Spirit, its meaning determined by the historical, grammatical, and literary use of the author’s language, comparing Scripture with Scripture.
. - I affirm that Adam, the first man, willfully disobeyed God, bringing sin and death into the world. As a result, all persons are sinners from conception, which is evidenced in their willful acts of sin; and they are therefore subject to eternal punishment, under the just condemnation of a holy God.
. - I affirm that Jesus Christ offered Himself as a sacrifice by the appointment of the Father. He fulfilled the demands of God by His obedient life, died on the cross in full substitution and payment for the sins of all, was buried, and on the third day He arose physically and bodily from the dead. He ascended into heaven where He now intercedes for all believers.
. - I affirm that each person can be saved only through the work of Jesus Christ, through repentance of sin and by faith alone in Him as Savior. The believer is declared righteous, born again by the Holy Spirit, turned from sin, and assured of heaven.
. - I affirm that the Holy Spirit indwells all who are born again, conforming them to the likeness of Jesus Christ. This is a process completed only in Heaven. Every believer is responsible to live in obedience to the Word of God in separation from sin.
. - I affirm that a church is a local assembly of baptized believers, under the discipline of the Word of God and the lordship of Christ, organized to carry out the commission to evangelize, to teach, and to administer the ordinances of believer’s baptism and the Lord’s table. Its offices are pastors and deacons, and it is self-governing. It functions through the ministry of gifts given by the Holy Spirit to each believer.
. - I affirm that the return of Christ for all believers is imminent. It will be followed by seven years of great tribulation, and then the coming of Christ to establish His earthly kingdom for a thousand years. The unsaved will then be raised and judged according to their works and separated forever from God in hell. The saved, having been raised, will live forever in heaven in fellowship with God.
My research in Christian Leadership examines the fundamentals of ministry in the digital age and how technology can help the church construct a theology of networks, encourage spiritual formation, and foster Christian community online. My Christian ministry experience is deeply rooted in the practice of digital discipleship, using methods like storytelling, scripture memorization, and family devotions to raise a church body that strives to honor, love, and serve Christ.
- Research and analyze data to make the most effective church decisions.
- Use organizational and executive coaching to develop ministry leaders in your church.
- Execute strategic supply chain management to employ your church’s resources.
- Allocate your church’s financial resources.
- Provide hands-on training with the newest digital and interactive tools for nurturing spiritual relationships and spreading God’s love.
- Implement the latest cutting-edge strategies for digital marketing.
CLCM 510: Constructing a Theology of Networks for the Digital Age
CLCM 520: Spiritual Formation in the Digital Age
CLCM 530: Creating Christian Community Online
CLCM 540: Introduction to Ministry in the Digital Age
CLED 700: Biblical & Theological Foundations of Leadership
CLED 720: Biblical & Theological Foundations of Education
CLED 800: Theological Anthropology in Leadership & Education
CLED 815: Character & Ethics in Leadership & Education
CLED 820: Leadership & Management Theory
CLED 835: Organizational Theory & Development
CLED 845: Group & Team Dynamics: Theory & Practice of Leadership
CLED 855: Teaching & Learning: Theory & Practice in Leadership
DISSERTATION: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Online Education for the recruitment, retention, and sustainability of religious organizations.
– Ministry Foundations
– New Testament Survey
– Christian Basics: Introduction Doctrine
– People Smart for Ministry
– Deacon Minister Ordination
– Christian Leaders Connections
– Officiant Ministry Skills
– Wedding Officiant Skills
– Parenting Skills
– Pre-Marriage Counseling Skills
– Essential Philosophy
– Critical Grace Theory
– How to be Interesting
– Fellowship and Hospitality Ministry
– Leading Bible Studies
– Basic Ministry Speaking
– Essential Christian Theology
– Mental Health Integration
– Ministry Calling and Confidence
Barrows, Gordon Vaill, “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Online Education For Recruitment, Retention, and Sustainability of Religious Organizations” (2024). Doctoral Dissertations and Projects. 5311.
Barrows, G. V. (2023, Sept 14). 27 Fun Facts About The 27th Peanut Butter Festival. Leader-Vindicator.
Barrows, G. V., Shuster, J., & Walzak, J. (2022, July 2). Redbank Church to celebrate 150th anniversary. The Courier Express.
Barrows, G. V. (2021, November 3). Social media can help rural small businesses, nonprofits and strengthen communities. The Courier Express.
Barrows, G. V. (2021, October 28). Barrows seeks re-election as newbie mayor.
Barrows, G. V., & Walzak, J. (2021, September 29). Gubernatorial candidate tours New Bethlehem. The Courier Express.
Barrows, G. V. (2020, July 23). NB Borough Awards Junior Council Person 2020.
Barrows, G. V., & Walzak, J. (2020, May 13). New Bethlehem Mayor Lobbies for Improved Rural Internet Access. Leader-Vindicator.
Barrows, G. V., & Walzak, J. (2020, April 24). Mayor Puts Emphasis on Small Business. Leader-Vindicator.
Barrows, G. V. (2018, June 27). Redbank Valley Class of 2018 Commencement Speech.
Barrows, G. V. (2017, September 28). The Historical 2017 New Bethlehem Peanut Butter Festival.
Barrows, G. V. (2022, August 22). God Always Wins – Rev. Dr. Gordon Barrows || New Bethlehem First United Methodist Church [Video]. YouTube.
Barrows, G. V. (2022, August 21). Holy Communion – Rev. Dr. Gordon Barrows || New Bethlehem First United Methodist Church [Video]. YouTube.
Barrows, G. V. (2022, January 19). God’s Calling by Gordon Barrows at the New Bethlehem First United Methodist Church [Video]. YouTube.
Barrows, G. V. (2021, November 20). Call Story by Gordon Barrows at the St. Mary’s Redbank Church [Video]. YouTube.
Barrows, G. V. (2019, October). Mayor of New Bethlehem. Campaign Speech [Video]. New Bethlehem Borough, New Bethlehem PA.
Barrows, G. V. (2018, June). A Wonderful Valley. Commencement Speech [Video]. Redbank Valley High School, New Bethlehem PA.
Barrows, G. V. (2018, March). President’s Remarks. Chamber Annual Dinner [Video]. Redbank Valley Chamber of Commerce, Hawthorn Fire Hall.
Barrows, G. V. (2017, March). President’s Remarks. Chamber Annual Dinner [Video]. Redbank Valley Chamber of Commerce, Snug Harbor.
FEMA, USDA, CDBG, etc., Government Grants, $100,000.00+, May 2011 to Present
Aided New Bethlehem Borough & Municipality
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, USDA Rural Development Grant, $39,000.00, August 2022 to Present
Aided New Bethlehem Volunteer Fire Company
Clarion County Hotel Tax Committee, Hotel Room Tax Grant, $2,700.00 July 2021 to Present
Aided Redbank Valley Chamber of Commerce
TC Energy, TC Energy Build Strong Grant, $13,000.00, May 2021 to Present
Aided New Bethlehem Volunteer Fire Company
Walmart, Local Community Grant, $500.00 April 2021 to Present
Aided Redbank Valley Community Center
PA Dept. of Community & Economic Development, Façade Design Grant, $5,000.00, June 2019 to Present
Aided Redbank Renaissance Civic Group
Click the questions below to reveal the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about my religious philosophy.
During my childhood, my parents would read me bedtime stories, which I later understood to be Bible stories. I have so many favorites, but if I had to choose one, it would undoubtedly be ‘David and Goliath.’ As a child, I was enamored with David’s courage, bravery, and faith in the Lord. As an adult, I have learned we all face ‘Goliaths’ or challenges in our lives which seem impossible to overcome; however, when we put on the full armor of God, we can overcome evil, and achieve the impossible.
Pastoral ministry or shepherding the flock involves; (a) preparing weekly sermons, preaching, and conducting worship services; (b) interpreting biblical scripture; and (c) providing care/counseling and assistance in crisis situations.
However, the one facet of pastoral ministry that I feel most passionately about is the social responsibility to engage in outreach ministry beyond the walls of the church. I consider that Jesus ministered to the community throughout His life. In 1st Timothy 3:7, Paul shares one aspect of being a pastor is to have a ‘good reputation with outsiders’ which can be accomplished by participating in community events, getting to know other pastors, and working with other churches as often as possible.
There are several common styles of Sunday worship including (a) formal or liturgical worship; (b) structured worship; (c) leaderless worship; and (d) Pentecostal/charismatic worship.
My personal style of Sunday worship falls in between the formal/liturgical and structured formation. In formal/liturgical worship, the service is prewritten and follows a strict order. Structured worship allows for a bit more flexibility; however, there may be times when I use prewritten creeds or sets of prayers, such as the Lord’s prayer. This style of worship is orderly, respectful, and affords the opportunity for variety.
The music director would select music/hymns to perform, arrange performances, and work with musicians. Deacons would provide logistical support in the form of reading liturgy, reviewing weekly announcements, sharing joys/concerns, ushering, teaching children sermons, and offering prayer.
The wackiest thing I have tried in worship includes congregational participation by engaging the children in worship service to shout a biblical response upon hearing a certain phrase during the sermon. I think it worked ok seeing as how the children had fun, but I’m not sure if the parents found it as effective. 😊
While there are several different approaches, I personally (a) pray for either a topical concept, practice or belief – or an expository topic directly from scripture; (b) study by reading the bible, drawing from commentaries, exploring original languages, and perform secondary research; (c) prepare to write by setting parameters and creating an outline; (d) write the sermon by creating an engaging introduction, establish my main points, make clear transitions, and summarize my main points in a memorable conclusion; and (e) revise/practice the sermon by listening to it out loud and practicing it front of family member or friend.
My greatest strengths in an independent leadership position while working within a team system includes coaching people through questioning, mentoring, encouraging opportunities for development, ensuring responsibility, and effective communication. My greatest challenges are avoiding micromanaging, be willing to let people fail, and knowing when to make myself inaccessible long enough to have team members work through things independently.
In my role as a Sunday school teacher, I effectively work in a team environment with the other Sunday school teachers while also exhibiting independent leadership skills by adhering to a weekly schedule, facilitating meaningful lessons, and effectively communicating the principles of practical application.
Primarily in my youth, I independently served in a technology-related leadership role in a church where I remember ineffectively communicating the need to establish a budget for online live streaming ministry services among the team of church trustees.
Laity or lay people are essential for the operational sustainability and logistics of the church. I am happy to work with lay people, delegate responsibilities to roles including altar servers, lectors, and lay ministers, as well as share in the special mission to witness God’s love to the whole world.
Additionally, a good teacher has an engaging presence, values practical application, shares best practices and has a lifelong love of learning.
Most people are naturally resistant to change, as that is human nature. I have worked with numerous churches through the challenge of adoption and implementation of new technology. I can share countless examples of upgrading computers, going from paper to digital, accepting credit cards via electronic donations to developing new websites, but my personal favorite is using social media as a form of outreach ministry.
In all of the above situations, persuading people to change from the way they were doing something to the way I had suggested involved (a) communicating a compelling need for change; (b) get people involved in proposing and making the changes; (c) be prepared to adapt plans based on feedback; (d) commit to the change in action, not just in words; and (e) expect it to take time with routine evaluation/follow-up.
Conflict within the church is usually caused by a disagreement regarding new pastoral staff, the use of the building or mission fund, the structure of worship services, church events, etc. I would handle conflict in the church by (a) openly communicating, stick to the facts, and focusing on the problem at hand; (b) actively listening to the parties involved without interrupting by being objective and asking open-ended questions; (c) review options by looking for solutions that benefit everyone; and (d) end with a win-win solution that benefits both sides to some extent.
If the conflict involved another church member and myself, I would follow the above-mentioned steps of conflict resolution, but would also bring in an objective and neutral third-party.
I can see it both as an opportunity and a challenge. It can be a learning opportunity where the church must create an environment for diversity by embracing a diverse environment. It can be a challenge where the church may need to sacrifice basic cultural preferences such as style, music, and structure.
I would address diversity by increasing awareness of biblical diversity and embrace the sacrifice that comes along with the inclusion of people from different backgrounds, socioeconomic classes, races, ethnicities, and cultures. Diversity can have a positive affect on the church when it is biblical, sacrificial, humble, intentional, and beneficial, allows others to include, follow, and even learn from others.
When creating an effective Christian Education program for all ages, I would pass ideas through a series of validation questions to ensure it aligns with the values and needs of the congregation. These questions include (a) does the idea align with the overall purpose of the church; (b) does the idea have clear goal within the overall purpose; (c) does the spiritual return merit the resources required to effectively conduct the program; (d) are the resources available to see the idea to fruition; and, (e) does the idea come from prayer as God’s idea or it the result of following after another church or after the ideas of man?
In developing a strong youth program, several of the short-term goals would include (a) defining success such as increasing attendance or getting X number of teenagers saved; (b) establishing a clear mission, vision and set of objectives; (c) choosing a convenient and comfortable place for youth to meet; (d) Delegate tasks to a team of competent adults and youth leaders; and (e) invest in my own personal development.
Several long-term goals for developing a strong youth program would include (a) making prayer an ongoing commitment both programmatically and personally; (b) develop curriculum for effective lesson plans that are creative and interactive; (c) develop a strong youth leadership team to support recruitment/retention; and (d) inspire, encourage, and equip youth to share their faith with other youth.
I believe youth are looking for and need an environment to be challenged/strive to work on (a) becoming a believer in Christ; (b) belonging to a church family through engagement in the community; (c) be transformed by the spirit of God to; (d) serve others and share their faith.
Youth ministry should strive towards understanding the unique life tasks and social-cultural context of adolescents to provide direction for fostering their growth in discipleship and Christ-like identity.
I would develop meaningful relationships with members of the youth group by (a) meeting/greeting them by name to make a personal connection; (b) talk to them at their level both physically and developmentally; (c) ask open-ended questions and listen to their feelings; (d) encourage them by asking questions and showing interest; (e) reflect or paraphrase during conversations to show active listening; (f) remember context/details from past conversations and experiences; (g) participate alongside youth and make them feel included; (h) create opportunities for youth feedback, shared responsibility and leadership to develop self-efficacy; and, (i) smile, have fun, and celebrate the moments that help you connect as God uses personal relationships to transform and shape lives.
When working with a youth regarding a personal crisis, I would use the following strategies; (a) define the problem while focusing on mitigating any fear or anxiety; (b) ensure safety for those we lead, manage, and support; (c) provide support by developing effective communication and unconditional positive regard; (d) examine alternative solutions using creative thinking; (d) make a plan of action collaboratively with a group to arrive at the best conclusion; and, (e) obtain commitment by assigning leaders and staff to action plan to aid youth’s needs.
Missions and outreach are the heart of the church as they meet the needs of the community and world, while expressing God’s love in ways that build relationships and provide opportunities to share God’s plan of salvation. We must use our God-given gifts and talents to minister to others and bring glory to God’s name through the missions and outreach efforts of the church.
My personal experience in missions and outreach include actively participating and supporting Redbank Valley Church Association, Redbank Valley High School Bible Club, and Men’s Prayer Breakfast events. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I worked directly with the Redbank Valley Church Association and several local churches to plan/execute the “Love Your Neighbor” outreach ministry to provide shut-ins with necessary food and medications.
My vision for a congregation in this area includes loving God, loving people, and making disciples by going outside the walls of the church and spreading the Gospel across the nations. Specifically, various church missions and outreach ideas might include the following:
I would draw people into the church by (a) creating a consistent brand identity in paper and digital media; (b) market or advertise the church through effective signage, letterhead, t-shirts/sweatshirts, etc; (c) digitally promote through website, social media, and email newsletter; (d) entice new members during Christmas and Easter services; (e) acknowledge/welcome new parishioners every week; (f) host a community event or membership drive; (g) create email blast or newsletter; (h) create inter-church group activities; (i) get involved in the community or support local charity; (j) offer online/electronic giving or donations; and, (k) improve virtual or live streaming services.
I would get people to come and stay by (a) challenge people to serve or encourage them to volunteer; (b) provide a clear path toward involvement with sign-up sheets and next steps; (c) focus all programs around church missions; (d) set expectations and call people to service, join a group, bring a friend or give generously; (e) preach about how to get involved, join a mission and provide clear action steps and opportunities for engagement; (f) drive engagement by using active language and rewarding progress.
My theology of baptism and communion considers both a sacred symbol that affirms a Christian’s beliefs and signifies the acceptance of God’s gifts through the Savior.
Baptism is considered an initiation into the church as it signifies new birth through water and the Spirt as well as baptism can represent the forgiveness of sins as a symbol of rebirth and repentance. My theology of baptism believes it is just the beginning of an ongoing process of responding to God’s grace and a lifelong journey of learning and growing in faith.
Communion reminds me of the story of Jesus, and how He gave Himself completely to give us a better life, a new start, and a fresh relationship with God. It’s less about the bread and wine, but more about the body and blood of Jesus. It’s less about the ritual or the method, but more about listening to Jesus and doing what He says. My theology of communion celebrates the gospel by reminding us that Jesus was broken for us so that we can be fixed by Him. He gives us the physical good that we need to survive and the spiritual nourishment we need to keep growing in our faith and discipleship with Him.
We know what love is by what love does. I love Jesus in the sense of walking in persistent, conscious obedience to Him. I love Jesus by reading the bible, praying, following in the Lord’s footsteps by helping and loving others, and by being thankful for all the blessings in my life. My faith-empowered obedience in public and private places is the God-designed evidence of my love for Jesus.
“Gordon was raised in the church as a Pastor’s son, along with a family linage of ministers, elders, and leaders within God’s Church. As a result, he has regularly attended FUMC and takes care of his spiritual life through daily devotionals and prayer.”
– Pastor Bud Davis, Senior Pastor @ Redbank Valley United Methodist Ministry
“Gordon has proven himself to be knowledgeable and proficient in business and technology, and people of all ages respond well to his teaching and mentoring style. I believe that Gordon will be a valuable asset to any department’s teaching faculty.”
– Rev. Dr. John Gareis, Ph.D. @ University of Pittsburgh
“Gordon has a keen intelligence, is a critical thinker, and is very personable and kind; he’s the type of perspective teacher a student would respect, build rapport with, and want to learn from. I know that he will be a fantastic educator who will work tirelessly for his students.”
– Dr. Joseph Harmon, Ed.D. @ Redbank Valley School District
“Gordon is the consummate professional who used his expertise and entrepreneurial endeavors to not only benefit his fellow colleagues, but the University and the community. I highly recommend him to any organization seeking to improve the services they provide to their customers and community.”
– Graham N., colleague @ Clarion University
“Gordon is an asset to any group. His broad knowledge base and his computer expertise bring a wide skill set to the table. Gordon’s biggest asset, however, is his ability to engage a crowd persuasively and effectively during presentations. Gordon is comfortable and confident speaking in front of any crowd, and combined with his knowledge of business, this makes him an exceptional candidate for any organization.”
– Dustin M., colleague @ Clarion University
“Gordon is trustworthy and hard working. He values integrity and loyalty, which are two characteristics that are not easy to find. I recommend working with him because not only will he give great customer service and satisfy your requests, he is great to get along with too!”
– Joy C., colleague @ Clarion University
Gordon is the type of person who stays at the cutting edge of technology. He is also a take-charge type of person. With those two traits coupled with his intelligence, he is a good person to have on your team.
– Dr. Anthony G., Professor @ Clarion University
I welcome invitations to serve as a guest speaker at your church or ministry-related event by contacting my office to schedule an appointment @ 814.275.6714 or via email: [email protected]